For those of you who are having a difficult time figuring out what to get me for Christmas this year, I humbly publish this helpful list for your use. Please coordinate with others so I do not have to be bothered with returning duplicate gifts. Thank you in advance!
Remote Control Tarantula $29.95
Indoor Flameless Marshmallow Roaster $69.96
Folding Electric Bicycle $2,000.00
Flying Car $350,000.00
Portable Wood-Burning Hot Tub $6,000.00
Two-Person 60 MPH Hovercraft $19,500.00
46-Inch Weather-Resistant Outdoor HD Television $5,000.00
Personal Submarine $2,000,000.00
Barbecue Dining Boat $50,000.00
Genuine PT Boat $1,000,000.00
Elliptical Machine Office Desk $8,000.00
Just message me for my delivery address!