Just for fun, my annual Hammacher Schlemmer Christmas Wish List. I tried to include the affordable to the slightly affordable ($350,000 Animatronic Triceratops). Enjoy!
The Adapter-Accommodating Power Strip
The Mouse Ring
GPS Ski Goggles
Break-Revealing Golf Glasses
Original Star Wars Blueprints Collection
Snowball Slingshot
Personalized Backyard Ice Rink
Smartphone-Controlled Helicopter
Optimal Resonance Audiophile's Speaker
6-Foot Award-Winning Ugly Doll
Genuine Hand-Made Irish Shillelagh
Faceless Watch
Stand-Up Fisherman's Kayak
Acoustic Immersion Pod
Hydrofoil Water Scooter
Unmanned Skier-Controlled Tow Boat
20-Foot Animatronic Triceratops
Pirate Ship Playhouse